Friday, May 10, 2013

Itunes Should be back in Time for Mothers Day

Ok... Relaxed now ?

I know, we have heard a lot of complaints about why we aren't back on Itunes yet, We have been troubleshooting as much as we can in our spare time, even brought in some outside help. But alas, to no avail we fail.

Hi-C however is working into extra gear to get this up and running, and has dedicated a Saturday afternoon to get this baby humming again !

So be paitent, and you can always still download us or stream us.

And our Special Mother's Day Podcast is comming up !

And for people that are curious about our issue... Podcasts just don't magically
appear on Itunes, you have to have a blog, RSS feed, XML tags, then meet
smart cast (itunes) requirements. If something is screwy there, then it all goes to hell.

But anyways.... totally off topic to keep ya'll entertained... where are the power rangers ?

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